There is an absolutely stellar line up of speakers at New Orleans Investment Conference in November: Dave Collum, Rick Rule, Matt Taibbi, Peter Schiff, Konstantin Kisin, Lyn Alden, Danielle DiMartino Booth, Jim Rickards and many more besides, yours truly among them.
So I got together with Brien Lundin, the organizer, to chat about the event, as well as to get his take on the state of the markets.
If you happen to be in that neck of the woods, please come and say hi. I hope to see you there. New Orleans really is a unique place.
The audio-only, podcast version of this conversation is here. You can also listen to via Apple podcasts, Spotify or your regular podcast provider
And if New Orleans is too far to travel, there is always my gold show in London on October 18th.
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