Jul 23Liked by Dominic Frisby

Hi, what source did you use for the statement that during the Spanish Inquisition redheads were automatically identified as Jews? It sounds interesting, I would really like to read more about that!

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Not automatically! I didn't say that

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Oh okay sorry, you‘re right you said it different in your article than I just did. I‘m still very interested in those sometimes false accusations of redheads being Jews, do you still have the source you took that from or know where else I might be able to read more of it? I really like your article btw :)

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May 29, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

As a redhead with blue eyes, this is a great read! There are redheads in my family on both my maternal (Lithuanian) and paternal side (Scottish). I’ve been called many names (doesn’t bother me in the slightest), my favourite is the endearing “ranga”, short for orangutan. Said with an Australian accent, it’s quite amusing.

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I can imagine!

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May 29, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

Rossetti the pre raphaelite loved painting women with red hair. In portrait and life painting the transparency and lightness of their skin provides the painter a huge range of tones and colours

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Yes, I hadn't thought of that.

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May 29, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

I shave my head...the hair when it grows isn't red, there are no red heads in my family, all the same a fantastic read...even though I was expecting a financial read rather than a follicle red.

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Thank you. I tend do go off-topic at the weekends, and stay on topic during the week.

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I know you may get smoke blown up your 4rse on a daily basis, however I genuinely appreciate your content whether written or spoken. Wise words calmly spoken in turbulent times.

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You're very kind. Thank you.

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