Nov 16, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

Many thanks for the info. I was looking forward to your take on FTX as soon as I saw the headlines.

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Fascinating (and terrifying) article!

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

While the way someone looks, and acts should not indicate they are a bad person, my first glimpse of SBF made me think just one thing...

I wouldn't trust him to look after my hamster.

The first three twelves also came to mind, a phrase my old sales director used to use...

The first twelve steps (as someone walks into an office)

The first twelve inches (face, and hair...how someone looks)

The first twelve words (the greeting sets the tone of the rest of the meeting)

SBF passes none of these first three twelves (imho), but people ignored this as greedy people buy lies, and unfortunately greedy people are so easy to sell to.

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The first three twelves. What a great system!

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Are client funds not fully segregated? Is that what SBF referred to as the “labelling” problem. I.e they “accidentally” transferred client funds to Almeda.

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he said they were but it doesn't look like they were

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