Feb 5, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

An excellent piece Dominic and I will share this as widely as possible amongst my public sector employed friends and family, at the risk of losing that friendship - which has happened with alarming regularity over the last two years when I point out to them that they generally don’t live in the real world when you are employed and influenced so heavily by The State.

I am also equally annoying everyone around me by trying to get them to read Life After The State (reckon I have generated my 10th download on Audible - surely that’s commission territory 😂).

Seriously, it is frightening how much The State is influencing everyday life at an all most subliminal level. It really is like a dead hand on the rudder of growth and freedom.

Let’s keep fighting the good fight.

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Know what you mean Matthew. Got the same issue with my Wife, who has made it clear to me that openly talking about these issues causes her anxiety and they are not to be discussed. Talk about sticking your head in the sand to pretend a problem doesn't exist. Keeps telling me I have changed a lot over the last 3 years and become very unhappy. I point out the events of 2020/21 and what organisations like the WEF are openly saying, only to find myself labelled paranoid for wanting to discuss it. It's hard when it comes to friends, family and significant others not wanting to be informed, because doing so opens up potential outcomes that terrify them. Easier to pretend these discussions/presentations are not happening, and that organisations like the WEF don't wield the influence that they do.

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Spot on

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What you describe, is like the premise for the Matrix films.

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Thanks so much Matthew!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

Brilliant, as ever! My latest swear-at-the-radio favourite / indicator of a society with a dodgy compass, is a recruitment advert for the Metropolitan Police which has actors stating how marvellous it is to be a police officer because they can 'represent their community' ie whatever ethnic or sexual grouping they belong to - nothing whatsoever about fighting crime. Hmmmm, priorities.....? My Local Bobby sounds like a good idea.

I believe the predator class think they are getting away with it at the moment. They aren't - we are all talking behind their backs (witness the growth of alternative media) - and they will eventually reap the whirlwind for sure. How long before that happens though.....

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Thanks Bettina.

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Strangely, no one in those ads is representing the Christian, traditional family community . . .

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The extractive elite is panicking. They have bet the farm on the Ukraine gambit and have come a cropper.

The days of the US dollar being the world reserve currency are numbered. Europe (Germany) is awakening to the fact that the U.S. regards the demolition of their interests as collateral damage. Welcome to the Great Game of the 21st century.

It remains to to be seen whether the clueless jellies running the UK will wake up to the fact that the US interest is not synonymous with that of the UK. Nothing is more important to these people than a man in a dress.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

Hey Dom,

What a brilliant piece. I'm afraid the UK is more sectarian than anything we ever witnessed in Northern Ireland in the 70s and 80s. You either believe in what your senses and your experience informs you, or you bow down to whatever you're told to believe in order to preserve your job, your professional standing, your family, your friends and acquaintances, in essence, your whole way of life. You're also right about this being fundamentally about 'religion' or something bigger than ourselves, bigger than our ego. Allan Stevo on Substack suggested a New Year's resolution of reading the Bible over the whole year. As an atheist, I jumped at the opportunity and am staying the distance. What a crock of shit Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers have been so far.......a lesson in Jewish propaganda if I ever read one. I believe the New Testament may be better, but I've always wondered how the Roman Empire declined, yet this new fangled ROMAN Catholicism thrived and of course became the richest empire probably until the British Empire. Anyhow, I've never read the Bible, so as I'm 60 this year, I thought it was time I did so. I've also followed Rupert Sheldrake for over a decade now and if anybody knows how our physical state of being combines with our spiritual sense of being, then it is him. His three books sit under my bed and I will read them this year too.

I hope you get 'Postcard' on the stage this year, but given that Phantom has just ended a 35-year run in New York, maybe the world needs to 'reset' before we get anything approaching normality re-installed.

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Thanks so much! At least somebody is still reading ...

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

Something is indeed wrong, and after the events of 2020, it's clear that organisations and entities like the WEF and the Gates Foundation have far more influence over our National Governments than most of us had appreciated. I used to read articles poking fun at the annual Davos shindig prior to 2020, but in the aftermath of the Government response, it became clear that our Western 'Leadership' - with the exception of Sweden - were all singing from the same hymsheet and from where the music was originating. Unfortunately, enough of a proportion of our ruling classes have been captured for this to matter.

In terms of rasiing awareness, Russell Brand is doing God's Work IMO. He has a reach most of us can only dream about, and really is helping to wake people up. This commentary on a Davos presentation promoting brainwave monitoring chipsets, really does highlight the dystopia these people seem to want to take us into:


Speaking for myself, I am looking for an avenue I can unite with like minded people on to push back against the WEF vision, and I'm optimistic the organisation Jordan Peterson is going to be putting together in London is going to provide just that.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

Very interesting piece. Thank you. I’m glad it ended by recognising the improvement in the world, else it might have sounded cantankerous.

Convenience may be the death of us. Over-reliance on tech for food, communication, entertainment, leaves us open to the dangers of anything from a solar flare to a cyberattack or state manipulation. (That’s before we touch on how most can’t switch their brains off from the overstimulation).

Lastly, universal basic income. An oddly compelling, yet worrisome notion that will almost certainly be rolled out in the coming years.

Offer all this, then take it away, and most of the west will be begging for the state to wipe their bum and give them warm milk at bedtime.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

We need a twenty first century Great Awakening. Society bought the Lie that Science killed God, but the Emperor has no clothes.

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We escaped the UK to NZ some 20 years ago because we saw the writing on the wall. As soon as laws are required to coerce your population into not behaving as they wish to (all in the name of 'equality' etc of course) then you are on the slippery slope.

It's got a lot worse. Sadly NZ is heading in the same direction, with blatant apartheid now in progress under the Labour government: seperate Maori health system (not paid for by them, of course), race-based governance of water resources and so on. We are making plans to move on again.

As long as we can keep moving away from the incoming tide for 30 years, we should die before it swamps everything. After that, not my problem.

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Feb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

Hi I liked the podcast and what has been said about the Great Decline. I think we are coming towards where there will be major change in the way we live and be but I don't believe governments and elite will have the control they desire we are coming to an impasse. Crypto-technology is something the elite have no control over. Yes governments will introduce CDBC's but they will run in parallel to begin with but the man and woman in the street will decide what is good for them and CDBS's will become redundant. They will experience and push back and we are already seeing early signs of this push back politically. The clash of people with police in Merseyside after watching an illegal migrant chatting up a 15year old girl out side her school who was staying in a local hotel. People no longer watching and listening to the BBC channels. Government will have no choice but to react or be pushed out. More and more people are calling for proportional representation and to remove the house of Lords. They are not just thinking it they are saying it. I believe we are in the early stages but government and elites will have to change themselves as they will have little choice. They will do as the Romans do. The elites are challenging democracy as they do not believe in it but the people in the street do. The new world is ours but we need not to be hysterical or fanatical in our responses. We have to face it down with our own responses and ignore what political establishment want us to do and do it our own way.

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Dominic, this is an outstanding piece of reflection in which you have managed to capture the sense of malaise and impending doom in all its various guises whilst maintaining a balance of perspective. Our mutual friend Tim Price likes to quip “things are likely to get much worse before they deteriorate” and there is a very real case for the decline of the institutions of which you write having a way to go before they become entirely dysfunctional and collapse under the weight of their own inconsistencies and structural corruption. I will be sharing this in a repost to my readership and am grateful for your writing it.

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Thanks so much Steven. (And that Tim line is really funny).

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

Really interesting read! Thanks for writing it all so articulately and coherently, there's a lot to think about in your writing and it mirrors some of my own "politically unfashionable" opinions.

I've been thinking for a while now that a lot of the "woke" excesses and "safe and effective" lies have all been fueled by the hot air of the fiat currency inflation. When the debt-based money supply is rotten at core and social exchange becomes based on grift, corruption and dishonesty (rather than meritocracy and debate), then that somehow creates a corrollary effect in the human mind that cannot distinguish truth from fiction.

Example being, the woke cult and covid cult would never get off the ground if their adherents had to pay for their nonsense upfront from their own wallets – their fantasy thinking is all predicated on someone else paying the bill. Witness the widespread confusion the true-believers have about the dire state of the economy after years of lockdowns, closed businesses, furlough payments, vast taxpayer expenditure on pointless facemasks and "vaccines" that do not work, test and trace programs that embezzle taxpayer money into croney schemes etc. They don't understand that the ones who pay for this rubbish are ultimately themselves. But they soon will when the bank "bail-in" phase of the WEF plan begins.

Maybe a complete financial meltdown would be a good bonfire of the vanities and force everyone to rejoin the real world!

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Thanks Rosie. Great points

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Evening Dominic. Just reflecting again on your article and you ask the question why are there not more Libertarians. Before the events of the last three years, I assumed that most of the population would embrace a libertarian viewpoint. How wrong I was. I think the first realisation was in March / April 2020 when I was astounded about how compliant the general population were to being told to not work, stay at home and basically be happy to be deprived of basic liberties. Whether you were in favour of lockdowns or not - you would have expected a bit more kick back from the public. There was not.

Secondly is the influence of the MSM, in particular the BBC. The word ‘brainwashing’ comes to mind when you analyse the output from the MSM - if the narrative is repeated enough times, people eventually believe it. We do not have a mainstream alternative to the current narrative and that is dangerous.

Lastly is the size of The State. I had not realised until recently just how many people are employed directly or indirectly by the Blob. The State is almost a religion in itself and that is also very dangerous. The NHS is, I think, in the top 10 of the largest employers in the world. That is mind blowing.

People THINK they are free - in reality the majority just live in the blob bubble of faux freedom.

Keep up the good work Sir.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

I'm sure most people of a "certain age" wrestle with this question. I expect all generations have done so. I know my Dad (God bless him) did.

So too, on that basis, did the Egyptians and the Greeks. The Romans and now some Brits are asking...not so much where is this all going but also, where has it all gone! If you're happy with the status quo then presumably there's no need to ask either question. Clearly many aren't happy.

I could not possibly begin to answer either question as to "where" but I'll offer the following to illustrate as to "why".

All great civilisations had/will have military power at their core. That power and influence at its peak can be likened to your best and perfectly fitted shoe. Snug and tightly done up, with a knot in the lace on top. With time (think decades even centuries) the shoe begins to flex, easing and slowly, slowly the lace undoes itself until....the shoe drops off. The one thing they had in common was that they all undid themselves from within. Liberalism. New ideas. New values. Neo-crap. Blah, Blah, Blah! Of course it's all been done before. Such leanings and beliefs ultimately result in a weakened/split society and military, with less influence and a gradual decline in the state and its living standards. Nothing new to see here folks. Move along please!

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Yes, the Chinese must be watching the west and thinking we don't need to do anything. They are going to destroy themselves anyway. Europe already has.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

Agreed. It is not in the stars....its simply inevitable. Regrettably.

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Hi Dominic. What a superb piece of writing. Your piece imo, clearly illustrates the way things have become. At best shambolic and worst downright sinister. I was having a few beers with some friends last night - guys and gals and everyone pretty much felt the same, but were somehow disinclined to voice their concerns. It’s as if people are genuinely afraid to state the obvious. I was reminded of the words of Upton Sinclair... “It is difficult to get a someone to understand something when their salary depends upon their not understanding it.”

Perhaps Edmund Burke states it better? “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good people do nothing.”

Keep up the great work.

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Thanks so much Jonathan. You are very kind.

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Been having the same thoughts as Edmund Burke. Think it would be a little hubristic of me to think of myself as a good person, but have been asking myself the question that if I died to find an afterlife and judgement of my actions in this life waiting for me, what the heck I'd be able to say to justify having done nothing in the face of the agendas being promoted by the likes of the WEF. My answer right now would ooze hypocrisy and cowardice...

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Dear Mr Frisby

Please enjoy this lovely short eloquent lecture


( it is amazingly optimistic if you give its contents enough consideration )

kind regards , c

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Hi Dominic,

What is your opinion of Tally as an easy way into investing in gold?

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I met the guys who run it and liked them, but I've never used it.

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It seems to be a good way to invest and save in gold for those (like me) who don’t have the immediate liquid savings to buy physical gold. Also for those who are a bit recalcitrant about crypto.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

If you like Tally, you may be interested in Glint too. It is a similar system that allows its users to send electronic ownership of small amounts of gold as payments.

You also get a card you can use to pay from the account in shops I think.


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Thanks Gavin. yeah, I know the Glint guys.

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Thanks for the nod, I will check them out.

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