Nov 26, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

We’re not winning. After the terror attack in Nice the blood lay on the roads for weeks. The memory of the atrocities was scorched into the tarmac. The screams of people into my intercom seeking refuge recorded. It was two days before I sought medical assistance for myself. The media circus that came to town was only interested in our capitulation. In the bullshit secularised Christian “pray for Nice”. How we would “win”’over terrorism by continuing life. As though nothing had happened. And so as with all terror attacks it was ushered out of minds. The inconvenience of Muslim terror and Islam’s poison and centuries old obsessions. The inconvenience invited to our shores which no one knows how to handle and so doesn’t. And when anyone does, say Israel, the world rushes to condemn it. The images of released hostages far more palatable than raped twelve year old girls shot in the back of the head with bloodied knickers around their ankles. And disembowles pregnant women. We ignore it. We want to move on. Left or right or frankly day dreaming libertarians can never fully understand what’s at stake. So it’s hands off don’t go there not our circus not our monkeys by virtually everyone in the approach to this. Except the monkeys are in our towns. And they long ago started murdering more than Israeli kids.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

Great article Dom. I think the time has come to start repatriating third world immigrants from Western nations. If that makes me far right then so be it.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

Great article Dom....must check out the libertarian song link. BTW, your recent interview with Michelle Makori on KITCO news was also worthy of watching, for anybody who hasn't seen it yet.

I had the misfortune of catching the latest 'Dr Who' episode, where David Tennant returns to the rols for four specials. My daughter, who is now 21 and an actress herself, fell in love with Tennant's portrayal of the good Doctor at the tender age of about seven and was also mindful of the different writers. With the return of Russel T. Davis, mighty things were expected, especially after past episodes such as the 'Weeping Angels', or 'The Girl in the Fireplace', or the equally brilliant 'Midnight'.

Alas, all last night's episode was about, was 'diversity and inclusion'. It was acted with the adeptness of a village 'am-dram' group. It was truly the antithesis of EVERYTHING Davis has done before. Sad, really sad to see a group of lost actors, writers, directors and producers, doffing their caps to 'the man' and not asking the question of 'why should they jump', but merely 'how high'.

This is the world before conflict.

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

I'm intrigued to know where the current authoritarian centrists, so adept at blocking and filtering out anyone such as Suella Braverman or Priti Patel who attempts to rock their boat, fit in that horseshoe. In fact I'd say they make it redundant. They're hardly the free speech champions of liberty in the mould of JFK, Hubert Humphrey, Bob Hawke, Roy Jenkins and other mainstream centrists of yesteryear are they? Far from it with their intolerance of anyone daring to disagree with them, their embracing of cancel culture all the way through to closing the bank accounts of people like Nigel Farage, the pursuit of people like Laurence Fox out of their professions means perhaps the horseshoe needs turning upside down to put them somewhere between Hitler and Stalin on the other side of the spectrum. They might not be locking people up yet but give them time. What a horrible spectacle they all are

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

Thanks Dominic for pointing out how bad / politically correct reporting has become in this country . I am learning new things from you regularly. My family were once legal immigrants but I am perfectly happy with the idea that serious offenders should have their whole family deported .

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Enjoyed this very much but I've disagreed with horseshoe theory for decades now. That would imply that Fascism and Nazism were offshoots of Conservatism which went AWOL, took a liking to Futurism, and suddenly, inexplicably, called themselves socialists.

Mussolini was a socialist first and both parties had many American Progressive admirers before the war. It's a fish-hook, an aberration of socialism that made use of popular conservative ideas (like nationalism) to gain adherents and outflank it's main competition, Internationalist Socialism (Communism).

Understand that and it helps you understand how the Woke (Identitarian Left) outflanked the old Universalist Left and now openly march with antisemites waving the hazenkreuz and shouting "Hitler was right".

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

Perhaps we should stop calling nazis the nazis and just call them national socialists.... the clue is in the name. Would that be more powerful than arguing with the young brainwashed? They don't listen but they would wonder why we refer to them as socialists?????

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

Good stuff, Dom. Switched to a paid subscriber on the strength of this post. Keep it up, please!

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Excellent Dominic. The new horseshoe is an interesting idea. The change of course interpretation of language is powerful propaganda.

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

When your a lefty extremist, everything that isn’t you looks like the far right.

When was the last time you saw a reference to just the “right wing”? Now it’s “far right extremist” this and “hard right” that....

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

A while back Tony Blair's government-funded thinktank, The Institute for Global Change, lumped Reason magazine (probably the most popular American Libertarian magazine), in with 13 UK-based Far Right groups. The report mentioned Reason as an example of an anti-government group which promoted conspiracy theories and distrust of the state. It shouldn't surprise us that media has branded a newly elected Argentinian Libertarian leader is branded far right.

If by conspiracy theory, they mean the idea that institutional government can be massively wasteful and inefficient, and is often terrible at doing its job, then count me in as a conspiracy theorist- the fact that all the empirical evidence tends to bear this out simply wouldn't cross their minds, because they operate from the premise that public sector employment is a public good, per se. Plus, distrust of the state, particularly the permanent bureaucratic state, is essential for the continued survival of liberal democracy.

Was John Locke a conspiracy theorist for being wary of the power of government and arguing its power should be limited?

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

Good article, Dominic (as usual).

I have chosen to run away to Argentina so am watching Milei with interest. I think I may have to try to send him your libertarian anthem, translating the lyrics into Castellano first! 🤣

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

I hate having to admit this, but the left have played a blinder. Tony Blair, the ultimate strategist and all round self centered man, set this all in motion back in the day.

Infiltrate the institutions, whitehall etc, institutions that used to be mixed politically, hate speech laws, supreme courts, no wonder he wanted education education. He should have said indoctrination, indoctrination, but he was too clever for that.

He invaded a middle eastern country, and got everyone to call it a war, and over time everybody did. Changed the narrative around the world. It was brilliant.

But lets not forget it wasn't a war was it?...

it was an invasion, an attack!

Then styles himself as a middle Eastern peace envoy!... A Peace envoy!

You literally could not make this up. If it was a book it would be slammed as too far fetched.

Amazing how far one man can get. History shows how far one man can go.

And he is far from finished. He wants more control over your money, your travel etc.

He even slipped up in recent years saying unvaccinated should not travel. Trying to create an underclass by his hand.

To me, he is a seriously skilled manipulator of people and information.

He's behind the scenes now but very active. Blair institute, Davos, Watch your back Charles Schwab. Watch your back Ursula.

Watch your money everyone else.... or your soon to be social credits

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

Milei is right. We have been too accommodating to the insidious left. It is time to stop being nice and it is time to put them back into their weird little box and screw the lid shut.

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

The horseshoe has never been useful except as deception. There is no Extreme Right, unless maximum freedom within the form of America’s Constitutional limits is extreme.

But on the left, freedom is the variable that diminishes to zero the more extreme you go. And government control swells from palpable to inveigling itself into governing our wealth, movements, diet, and even our thoughts.

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Well put, Dominic. This may be overly optimistic, but with recent developments on the continent and Argentina (to name a couple), it does feel like we may have reached the beginning of a tipping point when it comes to tolerance of a ruling class who have shown themselves unable or unwilling to solve the problems of their own creation.

For the problems posed by mass immigration specifically, they will be resolved one way or another. This will either mean a political solution, or something far more unpleasant. My concern is that the longer the current elite cling to power, the more unlikely the former becomes.

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