Of all the pieces you have written and that I have enjoyed, this one resonated the most. You absolutely correct in highlighting the fact that deep listening is a full body immersion in the aura of the speaker, an intense and intentional sensory act of wanting to understand. You have captured that intention beautifully in your five experiences of it from listening masters.

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Thanks Steven.

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

Awesome. Life after the state - even just the opening section recalling how little govt interference our forefathers enjoyed even a generation or three back - is required reading for anyone with a stake in the future.

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

Loved it. These life lesson pieces are really enjoyable. What was JP’s take on lucid dreaming and your Dad’s cameo appearance?

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Thanks Terrence. He didn't really get a chance to give his take as someone else had a a lucid dream about their dad and so the conversation moved on.

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

That is such a wise article. I remember reading once that most people, when you think they are listening to what you say, are actually only waiting for you to pause, so that they can jump in and say what they have been thinking - they're not really listening at all; or as Terry Wogan used to say about his radio show: "sure, it doesn't matter what I say, the audience is only half listening at best."

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That sounds about right.

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

Listening, such a powerful tool.

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

Cheers...an interesting read, and listen...yes I do that. I read it while you speak it.

That way it goes in twice! ;-)

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Ha. Thank you.

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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

All people whom I like and admire, and who come across as open and genuine, but can be pretty tough when they need to be and brook no nonsense. Rather like yourself I suspect. Great piece and very inspirational.

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Thank you.

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Dominic, over a year ago I finally decided that I’d had enough and refused to renew my TV license. Tired of the incessant propaganda, social conditioning and blatant lies either imbedded in the content or just thrust straight at you. It was time to give up being “blue pilled”. I now fill the vacant TV hours with reading and searching for truth and wisdom on the internet amount the “wrong uns” out there. Which brings me to my point. Your writings , books and internet briefings are among the highlights of my much more fulfilling new TV free life. Please keep them coming, it’s so much better being red rather than blue pilled.

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You could add Noam Chomsky to that list if you are ever lucky enough to have a conversation with him.

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Impeccably done, Mr Frisby. It is probably the most important of Covey's Seven Habits to get right: "Seek first to understand, then to be understood."

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