Oct 30, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

Ah yes, IMO so correct, but good luck trying to sell that to the masses!! Let alone when the government workers realize there jobs will go, never gonna happen Dominic without a major catastrophe AND a paradigm shift from the remaining. Perhaps thats is the latest engineered plan from out "Elites"

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

How many would see these obvious concepts as truths ? Not mentioned are the negative effects on the strength of family and it’s formation. The essential building block of a compassionate and productive civilization has been weakened by the increasing “helpful” hand of government.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

I attended a talk recently, where the head of the Arts Council in Scotland said something really interesting, allow me to paraphrase - Funded bodies have to be mindful of the service they provide, too effective and the funding dries up because they’ve solved the problem, not effective enough and they’ll stop being funded.

It was a concise and insightful comment in an otherwise drab event.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

Eloquently put, nicely done.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Dominic Frisby

“What's more, if the state is providing care to the needy, you are then absolved of the responsibility to do so.” This is so under-appreciated by many (including me until it was pointed out!)

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