Very good post. A lot of crypto fans who dismiss gold’s inherent value have never had a girlfriend.

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Until today I would have agreed with what you wrote. I own a lot of gold. But with just one sentence in your post you changed my mind. "Even in prehistory gold was performing the role it has always performed - and always will: to store and display and exchange value." ALWAYS WILL !!! There most certainly will come a time in the future when mankind will not value gold in the same way as terrestrial man currently does. No one knows how long that takes. But your statement that the current status quo will always be true, tells me that the divergence from it is closer than you perceive. The thought of a "Star Trek" style future humanity caring about gold reserves is absurd. How far are we from that future reality and at what point does gold remove itself from our Psyche is the unknown. What is evident in your post is that you don't even acknowledge the divergence will take place, so how could you know if we are not at the divergence right now?

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