Dominic Frisby talks to Anthony Dutton , president and CEO of IBC Advanced Alloys , about the rare metal Beryllium, its uses and the company he is strategically building to capitalize on the opportunities arising around this unique metal. There is a manufacturing arm with a proprietary aluminium-beryllium alloy, an R&D arm and a mining exploration arm.
IBC Advanced Alloys trade on the TSX venture exchange under the ticker IB.V . Click here for the live chart.
Beryllium is is a steel-grey, strong, extremely lightweight and brittle metal. It is primarily used as a hardening agent. Beryllium’s very low density (1.85 times that of water), high melting point (1287 °C), high temperature stability and low coefficient of thermal expansion, make it in many ways an ideal aerospace material. It has been used in rocket nozzles and is a significant component of planned space telescopes. Because of its relatively high transparency to X-rays and other ionizing radiation types, beryllium also has a number of uses as filters and windows for radiation and particle physics experiments.

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