This really is a great list and a great article. The part I really liked was that 'once you see conflation, it’s very hard to un-see.'

It's an education in the same way as starting to see bias. The biasedbbc website was a helpful guide with that some years ago.

You start seeing the subtle bias in the news. Who did they talk to? What questions did they ask? Who commissioned that report? Who does that 'charity' represent and who pays for it?

Who didn't they talk to? What questions didn't they ask? Which reports or other sources did they ignore? Are certain people and sources over represented and others unrepresented?

My three conflation candidates:

statistics and truth

opinion polls and what is genuinely important to people

what people say and what people really think or mean

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Thanks David. Some great points

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That is a great list!

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thanks John

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Elections & Democracy

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a brilliant one

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The state and society

Authority and hierarchy

God and His followers

Capitalism and the free market

Progressivism and liberalism

Hearth and Home and Blood and Soil

Marxism and communism

... this is fun!

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Once you see it, you cannot unsee it

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This is a very well considered and expressed piece, Mr Frisby. It may be your best. Great work, it's always a pleasure to hear your insights.

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Thanks Ian

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Ah and the one that’s taxing my mind at the moment - a woman’s right to choose & infanticide.

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Really enjoyed your informed chat with Rob Moore - that gained you a subscriber! Interesting taxation ideas. You dodged some awkward ‘conflationary’ questions well with humour in that convo! Did I also see you singing a couple of funny songs at an event in London with some of the usual suspects (Together? Delingpod?). Of the two AI generated pics I like the second best, conflating classical architecture with a sci-fi landscape!

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