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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023Liked by Dominic Frisby

"Today’s experts – whether in climate change, sociology or virology – do exactly the same thing."

I am not sure. Most of the data and research is widely available. Eccentric retired engineers and bond traders pore through it and point to the shortcomings in the process and models and predictions and are then pilloried just as you had suggested. Nevertheless the bulk of the information is available in a way that the illiterate proletriat could not have found in the dim and distant past.

I am not defending climate scientists nor lockdowns (far from it with respect to the latter) but at least most of the pertinent information is there and educated criticism of the established doctrine is accessible too, albeit seldom featured in mainstream media.

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Love this Dominic. Nothing changes. Revolutions just swap the bosses.

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