About The Flying Frisby

My name is Dominic Frisby. I’ve been Moneyweek’s main commentator on gold, commodities, mining, bitcoin and forex for almost 20 years, and I’ve been speculating in and investing in all those markets over that time.

I’ve written three popular books: Life After the State: Why We Don’t Need Government (2013), Bitcoin: the Future of Money? (2014) and Daylight Robbery: How Tax Shaped Our Past and Will Change Our Future (2018). Matt Ridley called it, “A tour de force”. Luke Johnson said it was, “of paramount importance.” Nigel Farage said it was, “a brilliant book.

Unusually for someone who dabbles in financial things, I am also a stand-up comedian, with my speciality being comic songs. You might have heard some of them. They sometimes go viral.

I believe that low taxes and greater individual responsibility are a good thing; that government is usually the problem, not the solution; and that fiat money is at the root of the West’s great decline. That philosophy underpins most of what I write.

I’m pretty good at unearthing opportunities, especially in mining, and I’m also pretty good at spotting trends. I was early to gold in the 2000s, was covering bitcoin in Moneyweek in 2013 and, in 2014, I wrote the first book on cryptocurrencies from a recognised publisher - Bitcoin: the Future of Money? . “A great account,” said Richard Branson. “Read it and glimpse into he future.” Though I’m still not sure he actually read it.

You’ll find weekly or bi-weekly commentary on here - articles and vlogs - to help you navigate markets. And occasional thought pieces on politics, economics, and general polemical stuff, by which we intend overthrow the crony capitalist regime. Paid subscribers also get:

  • Lots of market commentary.

  • Properly researched reports about an investment I am making in my portfolio: a company I’m buying, a special situation, a trade, a guide to particular market.

  • The Dolce Far’ Niente portfolio, a do-nothing portfolio for the lazy investor.

  • Best in Class a feature, in which I identify what I consider to be the best natural resource companies in their category - the best copper miner, the best gold miner and so on. This is currently on hold as the sector is so awful.

  • Paid subscribers also get Sensible Investments with Dr John, a monthly write up on investment trusts from investor and former business owner, John Wolstencroft. (Between the two of us, you get a sensible balance between the racy and the cautious).

  • Early access to video content and other guest contributions, of which there are plenty.

You can upgrade to paid or opt out ay any time.

It’s up to you whether you decide to follow me into an investment, but if you do, hopefully, your eventual profits will more than cover subscription costs.

I’ve recently put together a special report on How to Invest in Gold, and made it available, absolutely free, to anyone who signs up to this letter. So please subscribe. Either go for the free option, or, if you fancy, go for the paid option, to get full access.

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I have an unusual double life as financial writer and comedian.